Tag Archives: knot

Simplest and cheapest way to get married in Tbilisi

You do not want formalities and really you just need to get married and to get the marriage certificate. You will think about parties when you will be back home or when your life situation will give you the right moment to organize that. There are a lot of people in the world, expats, digital nomad, foreigners in other countries that just need to tie the knot out any traditional scheme.

So, you did your search and you find in Tbilisi and in the Georgia country the option suitable for you. What everybody names “simple” package, it is just a sign in a paper in a public hall, usually the city Hall. This procedure usually includes the assistance to the documents, translation, notary, witnesses and everything related to set up this document. No frills at all.

Do you think you are saving money?

In Tbilisi the difference in money between a simple path in a public crowdy place and one clean, nice wedding lounge is very short. What nobody will explain you clear is the lost in time you will spend probably losing all the day from the moment you get in the public place administration till the moment you will be out with your certificate of marriage.

What can be exactly?

Few times everything went smooth and I can say in less time than I expected but the most of time these are the common issues:

– You have to understand you are giving your application of marriage (completely in Georgian) to an operator that does hundred different documents and operations during the day. He/she is not always ready to insert properly your name and surname and all your private data, from your foreign language to Georgian language. Any letter will be translated back in an official document for your country and if there is only one letter mistake, your country can refuse the document in the future. Furthermore, many operators, even if you pass the Georgian boarder regularly, can ask you for your visa translation. It means you must go out to the public hall, to find a translator and notary, to do the document and to be back to the public hall. Of course, you will need to do a new queue, you will meet a new operator and restart to insert your data in the Georgian system.

When this operation is over, the operator will say to you to go away and to wait for a sms to come back with your witnesses later on. There is not a fixed time, can pass some hours and even all day. In that moment you will understand you did not save money. Even worst if you decided to go with the help of one citizen that of course will not have nothing in charge if your documents have problems or any issues could occur.

If you wish to understand the difference and how much you save in stress and time, continue reading at this point about a Basic Service with a private wedding lounge.

By the way, if you are easy going person and you do not care about warning and you wish this simple way to get married, here you find a link for the service for “Simply” Wedding in Tbilisi.