Tag Archives: marriage

The best Basic way to get married in Tbilisi

You cannot believe all the issues could happen during a wedding procedure abroad. The Wedding in Tbilisi is very sensible act related bureaucracy and it should be kept with all the attention. It does not mean to spread money if you are not interested in a ceremony. As I already wrote about “Simple” wedding in Tbilisi, hold in the public hall, I advise to follow a “Basic” safe step for your date, even if you wish just “sign and go” marriage path.

What is mentioned in Tbilisi as “Basicwedding is the best way to get a hassle free service, stress free and with high save of money, despect to the fact the word “Simple” could make you think.

What is the difference between Simple and Basic wedding in Tbilisi?

The Basic Wedding I usually offer to my guest is including the professional assistance, the documents ready in advance, a confirmed time to apply for wedding, a private wedding room to execute the civil rite, the civil rite (or just the sign if you prefer) hassle-free procedure after wedding to release the international documents and of course my photography service that you will treasure for years to come.

All this procedure, so called Basic, just cost few money more. A very ridiculous money difference against a high lost of time, unsafe queue in public hall and no warranty in the right document release.

Comparing the procedure for the Simple service, in the Basic package you will have an official attendant of the Ministry of Interior following your application, inserting your data, checking careful your request and everything while you are comfortable waiting sitting down in a clean, safe, private lounge.

In the Simple service, you will queue up behind other people till your number will come. You will meet just an operator in a public office that have many different bureaucracy procedure to follow before and after you. In the Basic service your attendant is just specialist for the wedding and knows in a deep way what to do related weddings, expecially for foreigners applications.

In the Simple service, after application you have to go away and to waite for sms to confirm your application is valid. The sms can come anytime during the day and sometimes do not come or come the day after (including issues in your telephone, sim card or whatever). In the Basic service you will have a fixed time after application for your civil rite, even straight after application if you do not wish any ceremony you can get married.

In the Simple service your civil rite does not exist, you just sign in while people is queuing up to your desk. In the basic service you can have a private lounge for the civil rite. That is nice even you wish just to sign or to have a romantic short ceremony and a couple of photos together. Absolutely great if you have some guests to you as it gives elegance without to loose money.

Actually, I provide for basic package to everybody asking my help or my photography service in Tbilisi. This pandemia time has been a proof how much the privacy, safety and cleanness are important to manage a perfect stress free, smooth, easy procedure for your wedding in Tbilisi.

Ask for a Basic service, email me.

Do not let your day without a photography service. Go with phototbilisi.com


Simplest and cheapest way to get married in Tbilisi

You do not want formalities and really you just need to get married and to get the marriage certificate. You will think about parties when you will be back home or when your life situation will give you the right moment to organize that. There are a lot of people in the world, expats, digital nomad, foreigners in other countries that just need to tie the knot out any traditional scheme.

So, you did your search and you find in Tbilisi and in the Georgia country the option suitable for you. What everybody names “simple” package, it is just a sign in a paper in a public hall, usually the city Hall. This procedure usually includes the assistance to the documents, translation, notary, witnesses and everything related to set up this document. No frills at all.

Do you think you are saving money?

In Tbilisi the difference in money between a simple path in a public crowdy place and one clean, nice wedding lounge is very short. What nobody will explain you clear is the lost in time you will spend probably losing all the day from the moment you get in the public place administration till the moment you will be out with your certificate of marriage.

What can be exactly?

Few times everything went smooth and I can say in less time than I expected but the most of time these are the common issues:

– You have to understand you are giving your application of marriage (completely in Georgian) to an operator that does hundred different documents and operations during the day. He/she is not always ready to insert properly your name and surname and all your private data, from your foreign language to Georgian language. Any letter will be translated back in an official document for your country and if there is only one letter mistake, your country can refuse the document in the future. Furthermore, many operators, even if you pass the Georgian boarder regularly, can ask you for your visa translation. It means you must go out to the public hall, to find a translator and notary, to do the document and to be back to the public hall. Of course, you will need to do a new queue, you will meet a new operator and restart to insert your data in the Georgian system.

When this operation is over, the operator will say to you to go away and to wait for a sms to come back with your witnesses later on. There is not a fixed time, can pass some hours and even all day. In that moment you will understand you did not save money. Even worst if you decided to go with the help of one citizen that of course will not have nothing in charge if your documents have problems or any issues could occur.

If you wish to understand the difference and how much you save in stress and time, continue reading at this point about a Basic Service with a private wedding lounge.

By the way, if you are easy going person and you do not care about warning and you wish this simple way to get married, here you find a link for the service for “Simply” Wedding in Tbilisi.



When Wedding and Ceremonies will be reopening in Tbilisi

In Georgia the State of Emergency has been lifted  (24th May) but many restrictions will be on duty before to come back at a normal life.

Regarding what affected to a normal activity of the related bureaucracy procedure before, during and after the wedding ceremony we interviewed the local authority  to clear the actual information released from the Government and all fake news in the social network.

Notary services and affiliated official translators bureau are not ALL on duty.  All the activities must have an online booking to be accepted.

Wedding houses are not ALL open and they cannot accept any new request or re-booking of the services without an advance online booking request. Only some wedding house will be open but for restricted number of person, no more than 10 people are allowed in the hall during the civil rite and everybody must wear the mask [update on 06th June, 2020]. Everything has to stand-by monitoring as the light reopening can effect to the spread of the virus. Any wedding full ceremony is not allowed till further date. Any event organization and event agency are not allowed to operate at the moment. Only Georgian citizens or people resident actually in Georgia can apply for this request if their need could be consider urgent by authority decision. At the reopening, following the actual roles, maximum 10 persons including the celebration official authority and the photographer will be allowed in the hall wearing mask and keeping social distance.

The international flights and related Tourism services will be starting from the 1st of SEPTEMBER 2020 [updated 22nd July].At the moment to create a safe corridor authorities are thinking about safety roles. It is not yet confirmed but Tourist entering Georgia may have to prove they’ve tested negative for coronavirus in the past 72 hours.

On Governament decision Georgia open boearders unconditionally to 5 countries, Germany, France , Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia. The citizens/residents of the 5 countries above can only use direct flights to Georgia for any type of visit. Before crossing Georgia’s border, they must fill in a special e-form and list their travel history in the course of the previous 14 days, as well as the location of their stay in Georgia, contact information.

All people from the other countries will be under 14 days quarantine at their expences. (Update 24th July 2020).

Georgian National Centre for Disease Control states Tourists may have to abide by several conditions when entering and moving about in the country, and may be monitored by a ‘tracking app’. This is not approved at the moment but it is on the desk of the Gov to be discussed. Being these last statements still working in progress, it is clear Georgia Gov will be monitoring the situation and going to add or remove restrictions on the way. It makes more difficult to plan something till a clear and  final official statement will be release.

Wishing to keep a safe way to work for all our clients, considering this situation does not allow us to plan and to work as normal and to be able to give a date for restart till now, we took the decision to postpone  the reopening of our activities at later date. We wish and will monitor how the opening of the Tourism can affect to the spread of the Covid-19, waiting for the full reopening of the wedding houses and the official Notary and Translator bureau in town.

Do not exitate to contact us for any update you should need.

To get married in Tbilisi during the Coronavirus Covid-19 2020

Dear guests, As we go through these difficult times, we would like to update you on what’s been happening in Tbilisi. We have sadly had to suspend all our photography and wedding management services until the 20th of August 2020 (updated) due to the ongoing situation and measures taken against COVID-19.

We’re so much looking forward to the days when we can happily welcome you again and be a part of your story again.  We would like you to know that as Tbilisilovesyou.com  we continue to work determinedly to solve the issues we collectively face and to provide accurate and up to date information regularly by email to our clients that already subscribed for information or already confirmed their booking and it has been postponed.

We are sorry to all our guests who couldn’t travel due to cancelled flights during this unprecedented time.

We miss sharing your excitement as you travel to your love great date, and getting your images of your greatest moments in the life.

May and June are extremely optimistic time to think everything will restart as usual. Due to the consequences of the spread of the COVID-19 virus, in compliance with the provisions of the Georgian Government regarding safety and prevention of contagion, the Ministry of Justice suspended all the official Wedding Houses activities until a later date. And now a day (May, 19th), still wedding houses does not have a date of reopening till at least 1st July.
It is has been set a provisional 11th of May (already posponed from previous 21st April) as light restart from lockdown but as you know, in all the world, daily updates born since some monthes.
Update : State of emergency has been postponed till the 22nd May Included and it will be note extend (updated 19th may 2020).
All flights in and out of Georgia have been suspended till 1st July 2020 (updated on the 19th May 2020.)  The Prime Minister declare from 1st July Georgia will be ready to attend the foreign tourism. We are still missing information how and what the tourist need to arrive in Georgia following a safe protocol belong the path  of the Ministry of health coordinated with the Airports and Airline Companies of the different countries.
By the way all official wedding services are not allowed till  July ( at the moment we are writing (19th May 2020).
Curfew is mandatory from 21:00 till 06:00 am till the 22nd of May.
All transport inside Tbilisi  including taxi and private cars are banned through the 27th April included (Updated).
All transport in and out the main cities are banned till the 22th of May (Updated). Only private cars can travel out Tbilisi from the 11th of May.
This is the provisional plan of reopening (updated on the 7th May 2020 at 20:30 Tbilisi time):

Second phase of reoping will start around May 5th:
– Building
– Construction supervision
– Companies that manufacture building materials
– Automotive services including car repair and auto-service facilities

around May 11th
– Computers, daily repairs and other services
– Recreational areas

Third phase, May 11th:
-Retail and wholesale stores (except shopping centers, clothing and shoes shops) with entrances separated from the streets
– All types of outdoor markets
– All types of production
– Publishing services

Fourth phase, around June 8th:
-Shopping centers
-Restaurants with outdoor spaces
-All types of financial services
-Beauty salons and aesthetic medicine services

Fifth stage, around June 15th:
– Closed markets
– All types of restaurant business

– Tourism inside Georgia (only local tourism)

Sixth phase, approximately July 1st:

-Entertainment services, sports and leisure, art
-Games and casinos
Hotels and Tourism from foreign countries
-Educational institutions
All other types of activities (including Wedding houses and wedding ceremonies).

The opening dates of the various stages may be subject to change, depending on the epidemiological developments in the country. Some restrictions could be reintroduced.

Roles to get in the Georgia boarder could be applied. Updates will be coming soon about protocol of entrance.

People will be required to observe distance rules at all times during the six phases.

We will keep you update as this emergency will be over adding you in our stand-by list if you wish. Just email us with your planned programme and auctomactically we will add you to our stand-by list.

My wedding in Tbilisi Apostille or Legalization seals?

One of the most frequest question is what does mean Apostille or Legalization in your certificate of marriage. The difference is very important to be learn as it can make a big issue to register the marriage later in your country or in your embassy or in a third part country where you are expat and temporary or permanent residents.

Sometimes people does not get attention at all to this matter and frequently they arrived in Tbilisi without to get the proper informations.

The wedding in Tbilisi could be very smooth and fast but it will be not so easy, smooth and fast to register the wedding if you get wrong in this matter.

All countries related l’Hague convention are belong Apostille that practically by-pass your embassy and make quite fast to approch for the registration of your wedding hold abroad. if your country is not belong l’hague convention list (e.g. Lebanon, UAE, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, South Africa), you must require a certificate of marriage with legalization.

The first legalization seals are from the country issuing the certificate. So the certificate of marriage will have the Legalization seals by Georgian law. On contrary the Apostille, the certificate with Legalization  is not enough for a lot of countries and many Nations requires their seals stamped as well in that document. It means after the release of the official certificate of marriage in Georgia with the Legalization seals, you will need to get the stamp of the related embassy as well.

There are some exception like Canada and few other country and we try constantly to be updated but our advice is to check directly with your embassy or municipality what to get to register your marriage abroad.

Did you find usefull this article? Please support us with a small donation.

Due to the covid-19, the wedding services are down since one year. If you find out these infos usefull to you please support us with a small donation by PAYPAL just clicking the link below:

You can set any ammount you wish to donate and you will get a nice gift. Thank you very much to support us!


How to get married in Sighnaghi Georgia

How to get Married in Sighnaghi Georgia !
Have you read the guideline “how to get married in Tbilisi”? If yes, go on , if not, take a look at this page.
I just ask you the pleasure to not copy and paste the following news without to report the source,  tbilisilovesyou.com , in your blog, email, profile , facebook , others social networks. It helps to enhance my job and to promote it. For any questions please email me .

Believing that you have a general idea as you red ” how to get married in Tbilisi ” , in Georgia there is a tiny little village but so, so, romantic called Sighnaghi .
As in all fairy tales, lies on the slopes of a mountain to the height of 790 meters in the ancient region of Khakheti famous for its wines that are truly exceptional in Georgia as well as from a centuries-old history and thousands of legends. The village is overlooking the valley of Alazani with a breathtaking view.
To get there it takes about two hours by road from the center of Tbilisi or an hour and a half from the airport.
Documents to be submitted are the same as for Tbilisi , until the ceremony , the only issue is the fact that you have to plan a whole day in Tbilisi for the translation of the wedding certificate in english or another languare available and the related apostille to access at the legal transcription of your marriage in your country.

Than there are 2 situations:
– You’re about to get married with Georgian citizen and stay in Tbilisi?
No problem, you have plenty of time to go ahead and submit the transcript request to your Embassy in Tbilisi .
– You are coming from different contries, both with non- Georgian passport ?
You should plan after your stay at Sighnaghi one or two days in Tbilisi for all the paperworks , which are carried out from Monday to Friday.
Problems? No one, if you ask for our help ….

Even for the marriage in Sighnaghi you can ask me my  “no issues easy wedding package” and you have to think only to enjoy your time.
Therefore, this is an example of wedding program in Sighnaghi : Arrival on Friday (usually early in the morning) , wedding on Friday or Saturday , relax in Sighnaghi on Sunday , Monday transfer to Tbilisi in the early morning to present the documentation of marriage at the opening. All paperworks will be ready (usually) from 1 to 3 working days belong your both countries needs.
Anyway you can have the possibility to visit Tbilisi and as soon as  the documents are ready you receive an sms from us and we will go to pick them up or yoou can even delegate us for that .
Surely more days you have more you will enjoy Georgia!
In this way, over a period of 4-5 days everything will be done!
Of course even in the Sighnaghi wedding program I can organize the photo service!
All this can be done easily with my help , please email me
Waiting for you,
Greetings ,
PHOTOTBILISI BY ALEX WED , Tbilisi, (by appointment only)  – www.phototbilisi.com

How to get married in Tbilisi Georgia

Best wishes! If you’re on this webpage, it’s true—love has no borders!

I’m thrilled for you because I got married in Tbilisi too! I’m a professional photographer and wedding planner, and I’ve been living in Georgia for 10 years. My wife, after years of a diplomatic career, now handles the marriage organization. We speak English, Italian, Georgian, Russian, Greek, Spanish, and Portuguese fluently.

Which better help and wedding  planner can you find in Tbilisi?

We can organize your marriage in Georgia, internationally recognized, in few working days!

In just a minimum stay of a few working days, you’ll get married and leave Tbilisi with your wedding paperwork. If needed, we can also send the paperwork to your home by express courier, ensuring no one leaves without their much-dreamed-of marriage certificate!

I recommend reading the entire post to get all the general information, but if you’re only looking for this month’s special offer…

Click here

Have you decided on your wedding date?
Would you prefer a civil ceremony, a religious rite, or perhaps both?
Have you been married before?
Did you check if you need a visa to enter Georgia? Please make sure you have all the necessary information, as I can handle your wedding management or photography services, but visa issues are beyond my control.

Does the lady wish to take her husband’s surname? No problem—she can do so easily in Tbilisi!
If neither of you is a Georgian citizen, expatriate, or resident, have you checked if your country or embassy requires the paperwork to have apostille or legalization seals for later marriage registration? You can find information about Apostille and Legalization seals at this link.

Are you expatriates in a third country (e.g., UAE, Qatar, RSA, Bahrain) and wish to register the marriage there?
These are the key questions you should consider to optimize your time when you email us.

In any case, getting married to a Georgian citizen is relatively simple. However, as with any legal matter, there are some bureaucratic procedures to legalize your marriage status in Georgia and in your home country.

If neither of you are Georgian citizens, our assistance can be invaluable in avoiding mistakes in translations and procedures before, during, and after the wedding. We help save time, prevent issues, and ensure everything is stress-free.

If you want to get married without spending too much time in Tbilisi, a civil ceremony is likely the best option for you. The religious rite of the Apostolic Autocephalous Orthodox Georgian Church requires baptism, which may not be something you’re considering, especially if neither of you are Georgian. However, nothing is impossible, and we can assist with that too if you wish.

Georgians often perform both rituals on the same day to avoid any legal misunderstandings between church and civil law. On this page, we discuss what’s needed for a civil ceremony.

It’s important to know that Georgia imposes no restrictions on people of different religions or nationalities getting married. You can apply for marriage in Tbilisi regardless of your faith.

Is there any offer or wedding package could we avail?
Our “Easy Wedding Package” is perfect for those who don’t want to worry about any details. All you need to do is arrive in Tbilisi, and everything will be ready for you. Check out our latest wedding offer by clicking here.

We will handle all the official documents needed to apply for your wedding, guide you through the civil rite, and take care of the paperwork required to register your marriage in your home country afterward. In just 3-4 working days, you can enjoy a wonderful time, including tours to explore the beauty of Tbilisi and surrounding areas such as Mtskheta, Jvari, Uplistsikhe, Kazbegi, David Gareja, Sighnaghi, and Alaverdi.

Only have a 2-day stay? No problem—we’ll send your official paperwork via express mail courier (DHL, FedEx, UPS, or other).

Tbilisi will be the nest of your love.

A lot of extras as photography service, limousine, guided tours, guest assistance, bouquet, wedding dress rental, make up  can be provided at your request.
You have just to  Email me!
If you are interested for full package with awesome photography service, have a look to phototbilisi.com
If you are interested only for a professional photography service, please have a look to phototbilisi.com
If you wish to check the last offer, please just click here.

Frequent asked questions: 

” Marriage for foreigners in Tbilisi (different Nationalities) will be a problem to be registered? “
Not at all.  You will leave Tbilisi with your proper civil wedding paperwork one per each country nationality.
What about marriage for No Georgian resident citizen? ” 
My website name is “Tbilisi Loves You” and I believe Georgia wants to be the kingdom of Love for everybody…. Yes you can, everybody welcome, you must have your passport (with visa if requested to get in Georgia), 2 witness and certainly you cannot avoid my help, expecially if you wish to be back in your country in few days with all proper documents. Usually I use to book in advance all the services and when you will come in few days everything will be set up….

Any infos about the city of Love Sighnaghi or other cities or location? ” 
Being foreigners, having short time, wishing to save time and money I advice to set the civil rite in Tbilisi than to go in Sighnaghi as honemooner trip or to get for Sighnaghi just a photography day trip. By the way, sure, you can get married even in the beautiful smalltown of Sighnaghi, have a look to this page
Than you can choose Batumi but it is far away from the capital and we do not use to provide for services during winter season over there.
What’s up if for any problem the wedding paperwork will be not done before I will leave Tbilisi?” 
In this extremely rare situation, we will send you the documents by UPS, DHL, TNT express mail courier in your country, so no problem at all.
” How I can save money having a short time to stay in Tbilisi?”
The service of dhl helps to save money in stayng, accomodation and related expences . You can have just 2 days stayng in Tbilisi, getting the basic cheap procedure and you will get your document by dhl at home in 1 week time. That is why it is very important to have a look to the flights shedules maybe you could book.
Can you provide everything, I mean a full wedding planner program?”
Yes We can, expecially if you have a short stayng, bouquet, rings, wedding dress (you can even only rent it), make up, coiffeur, restaurants and simple or exclusive venues and of course photo service will be not a issue for you if you apply in advance. We are specialized in small groups of guest management but if you apply on time, no matter to manage any event.

” What about relatives and friends coming in Tbilisi for our wedding? ” 
We can check your hotel or appartment reservation, organize tours, set up the wedding tables names, anything you wish…
“And if I am divorced and I wish to get married again?” 
Yes you can. It is a  longer procedure and it depends from the country released your divorce certificate or decree of divorce but you can…check this post … or write me
” We are already married but we wish just to renew the vows “
We can choose nice outdoor location and add an amazing photography service to make unforgettable that day
“We are coming for the need to get the document without frills”
Even I do not advice, you can choose the “Simply” package and you can read infos at this link.

*Update07th April 2022 : due to the actual situation, some restrictions are still ongoing in the country. Check stopcov.ge as official source ”

Waiting for you,
There is not wedding without an unforgettable professional service. 25 years experience in capturing emotions
PHOTOTBILISI BY ALEX WED , Tbilisi,Vake, (by appointment only) – www.phototbilisi.com